The Summer Coat September 14, 2020 17:30
Well it's finally spring in Melbourne. The sun is coming out more and more, and our curfew has eased to allow us to walk later at night. I don’t know about you, but there is something beautiful about walking on a cool night. And hopefully we will get to do more of it as we venture into summer time down in the Southern Hemisphere. One of the things I love to do is have a coat that I can throw on for those kinds of walks, when the air has a chill but it's not cold… you know those nights? These thoughts let me into thinking… I’ve never told anyone about my ‘Summer Coat’!
Many years ago, I bought some beautiful fabric that I always imagined would become a dress. As time passed, and I kept seeing it sitting there neatly folded and I felt like it was crying at me. “Use me, use me!” But every time I thought about making that dress, I knew I would only wear it once or twice, and I couldn’t bear to think of it hidden.
So as the nights were getting colder (it was actually the end of summer at that time), I was looking around for something fabulous I could throw on, and I saw that fabric. This was it. It was time for the fabric to gain a new life… as a coat! Suddenly my creative juices started to flow, and I set aside a day to piece together a light weight coat that I could throw on top of any outfit and would instantly feel fabulous!
The results...

As you can imagine, every time I wear this beauty people stop to compliment it. Whether I’m running an errand, jazzing up an outfit or throwing it on in the car (sometimes even in Autumn/Winter it is perfect for car-shop-car moments!) this coat has become a wardrobe staple. Now that it is coming into the perfect time of year, and I’ve opened up my online sewing classes, a summer coat workshop is ready for an online edition too…
Let’s do it! Now to find room in my calendar…